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Discover the Regal Culture


Integrity should guide every decision in your business and personal life. We believe this is a relationship business and without integrity, you cannot have relationships. We have a platform, and more importantly, a culture where your clients’ priorities come first.


The old ways of doing business are dying. Many firms are stuck doing business the same way they did 10 or 20 years ago because they are afraid of new ideas. Regal has been successful because we embrace innovation.


Regal was conceived by a group of forward thinking entrepreneurs who believe that independence is the path to a higher quality of life. We think the more you help others gain their financial freedom, the more you have a chance to build your own. That’s our independent declaration.

Getting Started is Easy.

Finding out about how to become a Regal Investment Advisor has never been easier.

Provide the best way to contact you and we will be in touch with you.


Regal Investment Advisor, LLC Disclosures 

Regal Investment Advisors, LLC is an investment adviser registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Registration with the SEC does not imply any level of skill or training. Regal Investment Advisors, LLC is a subsidiary of Regal Holdings of America, LLC.  For more information regarding our affiliates please visit our Investor Disclosure page

Client Relationship Summary

Investment advisory services and fees differ from brokerage services provided through a broker-dealer and it is important for you to understand these differences.

View Client Relationship Summary

Form ADV Brochure

This brochure provides information about the qualifications and business practices of our firm.

View ADV Part 2A                 View Wrap Fee Program Brochure